Portrait Photography
Professional portrait photography for your business can make you or break you, especially because your headshot clearly tells your audience what’s going on in your business. How we feel about ourselves or our businesses is easily projected into what we think are “candid” photos of ourselves!
Professional portrait photography can really easily capture our fears, even when we’re smiling big for the camera. There’s something about being in front of a camera that makes people hyper-self-conscious, and they unknowingly contort their faces ,and fears they may be experiencing in their business can oftentimes present themselves in a photo shoot. Kelly Weaver Photography specializes in making her clients feel comfortable and squelching fears by, for example, simply talking about a favorite movie. Kelly’s philosophy is that you can tell a lot about someone based on the movies they love–and the shoes they wear! Here’s how we can help!
No Photo? Big Issue!
One common indicator of an entrepreneur’s fears is the absence of a photo. So many women are hiding behind a logo, or aren’t even launching their business because they are fretting over a catchy business name or logo design. News flash, ladies! More and more women are leaving the corporate world to create their own businesses, and they are simply — and POWERFULLY — branding their companies as their fine, authentic selves. No more hiding. Your clients want to SEE and CONNECT with you! Kelly’s motto is, “The BEST logo is your FACE!” Your prospective clients and your audience want YOU first, and people still connect with people and portrait photography–not logos.
Hiding on the Horizon
How close you are to the camera determines how comfortable you are with visibility — and therefore your confidence level in your business. So you don’t want to hide on the horizon. Some women’s photos show them so far away from the camera that you cannot even see their eyes! Photographing from approximately the waist up is best. And remember, you can always crop CLOSER if necessary, so you don’t want to shoot too tight, because then you’re stuck. Photographing from waist up also captures a bit of the background which will aid in the story-telling–the feeling element–of the portrait, For example, if you are an author, you may want to show off a library-type room, comfy leather chair, or a stack of books nearby.
Kelly Weaver Captures Candid Confidence!
Not only will Kelly Weaver Photography help you create very successful and powerful portrait photography, but also during your photo shoot you will FEEL and EXUDE confidence. Having photos you feel confident about will only improve the confidence you have in yourself and in your business.
Click here to learn more about her professional headshot photography!